
  1. Danny, this psycho was about to mash my potato.
  2. I was not. I heard a noise down here. – I thought it was a prowler. – Liar.
  3. Shh!
  4. Follow me. It’s over here.
  5. Don’t ever say hello to your father like that again.
  6. Do you guys play baseball every night after we go to sleep?
  7. Well, actually, girls, um..
  8. …your Uncle Jesse’s holding a bat
  9. because he’s a wee bit miffed at me.
  10. A wee bit miffed? I’m miffed off.
  11. When I think about what you did to me tonight–
  12. Come on, Jesse, let’s let bygones be bygones.
  13. Alright. Bye. You’re gone.
  14. I don’t know what’s going on here but why don’t you guys just stop this and.. …give each other a hug?
  15. A high five?
  16. I’m not in the mood. You know why? I’ll tell you why.
  17. It’s all because of a little story entitled “Mean Mr. Joey stabs sweet, innocent Uncle Jesse in the back.”
  18. – Story time. – Yeah.
  19. Girls, you don’t want to hear “Mean Mr. Joey stabs sweet, innocent Uncle Jesse in the back,” do you?
  20. Yeah. It’s got a great title.
  21. Alright, one quick story. But don’t even think about staying up to watch “Letterman.”
  22. This better be PG.
  23. It all started last week.
  24. The exterminator business was slow so I decided to start teaching guitar.
  25. I was waiting for my new student to show up.
  26. ♪ She’s a lady ♪
  27. Alright, she’s not.
  28. ♪ She’s a woman ♪
  29. ♪ She’s a muchacha ♪
  30. Maybe she’s a man.
  31. Uncle Jesse.. there’s a girl here to see you. This one’s great.
  32. Oh. That must be my new guitar student.
  33. Yeah, right.
  34. Come on in!
  35. I’m Corinna Spicer.
  36. I’m Jesse Cochran.
  37. I’m outta here.
  38. Corinna? That’s-that’s a real pretty name.
  39. So, welcome to the, uh, Jesse Cochran school of music. – I’ll take this, please. – Thanks.
  40. Interesting decor. I don’t meet a lot of men with little pink bunnies on their walls.
  41. I’m also a mouseketeer.
  42. I like that in a man.
  43. Good, because today is “anything can happen” day.
  44. Here, take a seat. Why? Because we like you.
  45. – I kill myself. – Uh.
  46. But, Jesse, I have to warn you. I have absolutely no musical experience.
  47. I teach second grade and I wanna accompany my kids on sing-alongs.
  48. That’s wonderful! You get to work with children.
  49. I love youngsters.
  50. – Uncle Jesse– – Not now.
  51. Poor Mr. Teddy. I’ll tell you what, as soon as we’re done I’ll help you sew Mr. Teddy’s head right back on to Mr. Teddy’s body.
  52. Okay, honeybunch, sugar pie?
  53. Honeybunch? Sugar pie?
  54. This is weird.
  55. You’re pretty. Watch him.
  56. [chuckles] My little niece. I could just..
  57. Okay.. Back to music.
  58. Alright, now. I’m gonna teach you two simple chords. And in no time you’re gonna be playing a song. Alright?
  59. First chord, it’s an A chord.
  60. A chord!
  61. You’re real pretty when you smile like that.
  62. Sorry. B-back to music.
  63. [clears throat] Anyway, the next chord would be a D chord. Which is this note, this note, and that note. Try that.
  64. Perfect. Good.
  65. You now have more musical knowledge than Twisted Sister.
  66. With those two chords, you can play 374 tunes including such campfire favorites as..
  67. ♪ Hang down your head Tom Dooley ♪ ♪ Hang down your head ♪
  68. ♪ Wise men say ♪
  69. ♪ Only fools rush in ♪
  70. ♪ But I ♪ ♪ I just can’t help ♪
  71. ♪ Falling in love ♪ ♪ With you ♪
  72. Everybody sing along.
  73. There’s that chord again. Very nice.
  74. Let’s try the strum.
  75. This one, that one, this one, that one. Good.
  76. (Jesse) After the lesson, I invited Corinna out for a little ride on my motorcycle.
  77. Seven hours later..
  78. That’s the power laugh. That’s good.
  79. You wanna stay and have a drink?
  80. Oh, I really can’t. I have other plans. But thank you for a great day.
  81. A guitar lesson, a picnic by the bay. Candlelight dinner in the wine country.
  82. You do this for all your students?
  83. Well, that was the deluxe lesson.
  84. That will be $475.
  85. – The check’s in the mail. – Alright.
  86. I’ll see you next lesson, Wednesday night?
  87. Corinna.
  88. I had a really nice time today.
  89. Those are my nieces.
  90. Have mercy.
  91. Don’t ever “Ew” when your uncle’s kissing.
  92. Joey, this was actually cleaner when food was cooking in it.
  93. Jesse, we saved you some chili.
  94. Not hungry.
  95. Oh, brother, not again.
  96. What’s her name?
  97. Corinna.
  98. Corinna?
  99. Don’t you ever meet a Debbie or a Susie?
  100. Okay, fine. You guys crack all the jokes you want.
  101. But I’m telling you.. …when our eyes met, there was magic.
  102. With you there’s always magic because you wear a top hat and pull white doves out of your pants.
  103. Fine. That’s fine.
  104. In Jesse’s defense.. …when it comes to love.. …I think anything is possible.
  105. I felt the same instant magic when I met Pam.
  106. She walked into my 10th grade geometry class
  107. sat down right next to me, and I said..
  108. [high-pitched] “Hi. Can I borrow your slide rule?”
  109. You didn’t reach puberty by the 10th grade?
  110. Not till I met Pam. The next morning I woke up with a mustache.
  111. I’m sorry. No sale, boys. Love just does not happen that fast.
  112. Hey, guys, you know how I know it’s real?
  113. I can’t stop smiling.
  114. I’m just smiling away like I’m Nancy Reagan.
  115. I just can’t stop smiling.
  116. I stopped, thanks to him.
  117. But Corinna and me were madly in love.
  118. We did see him kissing.
  119. Jesse, please stop making out in front of my kids.
  120. Mr. Back-stabber.. …why don’t you tell everybody what you did today?
  121. Well, I woke up, turned off the alarm
  122. did that stretching thing–
  123. Not the stretching thing, the back-stabbing thing!
  124. Hey, could you pick up the pace a little bit? I’d like to get the girls to bed before “Good morning, America.”
  125. Well, it was stormy, and..
  126. …me and Danny and the girls were getting ready to watch “The Wizard of Oz.”
  127. Here we go. Popcorn du jour.
  128. All in honor of Stephanie’s first viewing of “The Wizard of Oz.”
  129. I’m psyched.
  130. You should be, honey. It’s the sweetest little movie.
  131. There’s this pretty girl Dorothy and she’s got this adorable dog Toto
  132. who gets kidnapped by this horrible witch.
  133. But she gets her dog back and her house flies through the air
  134. and then it-it lands on this other horrible witch whose feet curl up like party favors.
  135. Trust me, honey. It’s the sweetest little movie.
  136. Hi. I’m, uh, Joey. Can I help you, please?
  137. – I’m here to see Jesse. – Aren’t they all?
  138. I’m Corinna Spencer. I have a guitar lesson.
  139. Oh, Jesse called to say he’s running a little bit late. Uh, would you like to watch “The Wizard of Oz” with us?
  140. Oh, that’s my favorite movie. Yeah.
  141. Uh, it’s mine, too. Come on in.
  142. Uh, Corinna, this is Danny, Stephanie, DJ, and Michelle.
  143. Oh, dad, something happened to the TV.
  144. It’s snowing in Kansas.
  145. The cable goes out every time there’s a storm.
  146. Fix it.
  147. Steph, this is not something I can fix.
  148. Fix it.
  149. Steph, I’m gonna call the cable company.
  150. You’ll get a busy signal. Fix it.
  1. 僕のポテトを つぶそうとしたんだ
  2. 物音がしたから泥棒かと
  3. ウソつき
  4. こっちだ
  5. 予告なしに声をかけるな
  6. いつも夜中に 野球やってるの?
  7. バットを持ってるのは―
  8. バットを持ってるのは― 僕にちょっぴり 怒ってるからなんだ
  9. 僕にちょっぴり 怒ってるからなんだ
  10. ちょっぴり? ブチ切れそうだよ
  11. 思い出すと腹が立つ
  12. 過去のことは 全部 消し去ろう
  13. お前も消し去ろう
  14. 事情は知らないけど 抱き合って仲直りしろよ
  15. 握手でも
  16. 無理だな なんでか話そうか
  17. “正直者ジェシーを裏切った 卑怯(ひきょう)者ジョーイ”だ
  18. お話タイム
  19. おじさんを裏切った話なんて 嫌だろ?
  20. おもしろそうだよ
  21. でも ついでに 深夜番組なんてダメだぞ
  22. じゃ保護者同伴で
  23. 先週のことだ
  24. ギターを教えることにした 俺は―
  25. 生徒を待ってた
  26. 娘は…
  27. 違うな
  28. 女は…
  29. おばさんは…
  30. おじさんだな
  31. 女の人が来たよ 今度は超美人
  32. 新しい生徒だ
  33. 一応はね
  34. どうぞ
  35. コリーナ・スパイサーです
  36. ジェシー・コクラン
  37. 私は消える
  38. かわいい名前だ
  39. ジェシー・コクラン 音楽教室へようこそ
  40. 男の人の部屋で ピンクのウサギなんて珍しい
  41. ネズミも好き
  42. いい趣味ね
  43. 今日は何でもありの日だ
  44. どうぞ 席を取っておいたよ
  45. 何言ってんだ
  46. 実は私 楽器って 触ったこともないんだけど―
  47. 小学校の教師だから 伴奏くらいはと
  48. いいね 子供たちも喜ぶよ
  49. 俺も子供は好きだ
  50. おじさん あとにしろ
  51. かわいそうなクマちゃん あとで直してあげるからね
  52. いい子ちゃん
  53. いい子ちゃん?
  54. 気持ち悪い
  55. 美人だね 気をつけて
  56. 口の達者な姪(めい)で…
  57. 始めようか
  58. 2つのコードを教える これで曲が弾けるんだ
  59. ますAコード
  60. バカだね
  61. 笑うと かわいい
  62. 本題に戻ろう
  63. 次はDコードで この3つだ やってみて
  64. 完ぺき
  65. 才能がにじみ出てる
  66. これで374曲が弾ける 例えばこんなの
  67. みじめな   トム・ドゥーリー
  68. 賢い人たちは言う
  69. 夢中になるなんて       バカだと
  70. それでも僕は君に
  71. 恋せずには いられない
  72. さあ 一緒に
  73. そのコードだ
  74. 次は連続で
  75. 上 下 上 下
  76. その後 バイクで出かけて―
  77. 7時間後…
  78. その調子だ
  79. 何か飲む?
  80. まだ予定があるの 今日は楽しかった
  81. ギターにバイクに すてきなディナー
  82. いつも こうなの?
  83. デラックス・コースはね
  84. 1回475ドル
  85. 現金書留で
  86. 次は水曜の夜ね
  87. コリーナ
  88. 今日は最高だった
  89. 姪たちだ
  90. 神よ
  91. 次は冷やかすなよ
  92. 洗う前の方が きれいだった
  93. 夕飯あるよ
  94. いらない
  95. また始まった
  96. 名前は?
  97. コリーナ
  98. コリーナ?
  99. デビーや スージーじゃなく?
  100. 好きに からかえばいいさ
  101. 目が合った瞬間 魔法にかかったんだ
  102. すぐ魔法にかかるな ハトも出してよ
  103. 何とでも言え
  104. でも恋に落ちるって そんな感じかもね
  105. 僕もそうだったよ
  106. 高校1年の時 パメラに初めて声をかけた
  107. 高校1年の時 パメラに初めて声をかけた “計算尺 貸して”ってね
  108. “計算尺 貸して”ってね
  109. 声変わり 遅いな
  110. でも次の朝 起きたら 口ヒゲが生えてた
  111. 愛はそんなに 突然 生まれるものじゃない
  112. 今度は本物だ
  113. 顔が緩んでる
  114. 一生このままかもな
  115. 笑顔が消えない
  116. それが消えたんだ
  117. ほれ合ってたのに
  118. キスしてたよ
  119. 子供の前では やめてくれ
  120. お前が今日 何をしたか話してやれよ
  121. 起きて目覚ましを止めて
  122. 体操を…
  123. 肝心な部分を言え
  124. 早朝番組の前には 寝かせたいんだけど
  125. 今日はみんなで―
  126. “オズの魔法使”を 見ようとしてた
  127. ポップコーンだぞ
  128. ステフは 初めて見るんだよな
  129. 興奮します
  130. 最高におもしろいぞ
  131. ドロシーの飼ってる 犬のトトが―
  132. 魔女にさらわれちゃうんだ
  133. さらに家が飛ばされて―
  134. そっくりかえった 魔女の足に着地する
  135. とにかく おもしろいよ
  136. 何か用かな?
  137. ジェシーは? やっぱりね
  138. ギターのレッスンなの
  139. ジェシーはまだなんだ “オズの魔法使”見ない?
  140. あの映画 大好き
  141. 僕も好きなんだ
  142. ダニー ステファニー DJにミシェル
  143. 映らなくなっちゃった
  144. カンザスは吹雪?
  145. アンテナだな
  146. 直して
  147. パパには無理だ
  148. 直して
  149. 修理を頼むよ
  150. 電話はつながらないよ 直して

  1. Why wasn’t I born a cable repairman?
  2. Hey, no problem. I do that “Wizard of Oz” bit in my act.
  3. Somebody do something. I’m very upset.
  4. Okay, everybody gather around for “The Wizard of Oz.”
  5. Grab a seat right in front. Here we go.
  6. [high-pitched] Dorothy, Dorothy!
  7. [higher-pitched] Aunty Em, Aunty Em!
  8. A twister! A twister! A twister!
  9. Oh, it sure is scary around these parts.
  10. There’s probably lions and tigers and bears.
  11. Oh, my. Come on, you guys.
  12. (both) Lions and tigers and bears. Oh, my!
  13. Lions and tigers and bears. Oh, my!
  14. Put ‘em up. Put ‘em up.
  15. ♪ If I were king of the forest ♪
  16. I am the great and powerful Oz!
  17. Ssss! I’m melting! Melting!
  18. I feel like…butter.
  19. You’ve always had the power to get back to Kansas. Just click your heels together three times and say..
  20. “There’s no place like home. There’s no place like home.
  21. ‘There’s no place like home.”‘
  22. Ah! Dorothy, wake up. Your teeth are finished.
  23. Well, what did you think?
  24. Fix it!
  25. Oh, Joey, I loved it.
  26. Yeah. That was an incredible simulation.
  27. I hope you don’t feel bad when I rent the tape tomorrow.
  28. Okay, girls, come on. It’s time to get you into your pajamas and ready for bed.
  29. This should only take five or six hours.
  30. – ‘Goodnight, Joey.’ – ‘Goodnight, Joey.’
  31. [chuckles] Oh, great kids.
  32. Yeah, they’re the greatest kids in the history of kids.
  33. I love how children are so open and natural. I think that’s why I went into teaching.
  34. That’s why I refuse to grow up.
  35. Oh, you seem pretty grown up to me.
  36. [chuckles] Who? Me? The guy who keeps Abe Lincoln on a stick in his bedroom?
  37. Joey, you are so funny.
  38. I-I think that a sense of, uh, humor is a very sexy quality in a man.
  39. Your girlfriend must adore you.
  40. Oh, I don’t-I don’t have a girlfriend.
  41. – You’re not seeing anybody? – Well, sort of.
  42. I’m seeing the dentist next Wednesday.
  43. Well, if things don’t work out between you and the dentist..
  44. …maybe you and I could get together.
  45. Well, Dr. Hoffman’s pretty cute but he is married.
  46. So, uh, pick a time.
  47. How about right after my guitar lesson with Jesse?
  48. Jesse. Corinna.
  49. Jesse…yeah.
  50. Uh, yeah. Excuse me. I’m gonna go check on something in the kitchen.
  51. – Can I give you a hand? – Uh, no. I’m doing fine.
  52. What exactly are you checking on?
  53. Oh, I’m just doing some, uh, random checking.
  54. There’s salt, pepper. Duck.
  55. Stove. Sink. Faucet.
  56. Jesse’s girl.
  57. Well, everything checks out.
  58. You know, he’s really crazy about you.
  59. Yeah, well, Jesse’s really a terrific guy and we had a really nice day together.
  60. But to be honest, there was nothing really special between us.
  61. That’s not exactly how Jesse puts it.
  62. And if there’s one thing in life that’s sacred.. …you never mess with a buddy’s girl.
  63. But I’m not his girl.
  64. All Jesse and I had between us was one little innocent kiss goodbye. It was nothing, really.
  65. It was one of these.
  66. Oh, that right there, that was-that was nothing.
  67. It’s how I kiss my grandmother.
  68. You must be very close.
  69. It was like four lips shaking hands.
  70. Look, I know. We can try it again.
  71. Oh, good. You’re home.
  72. (Joey) So where was I?
  73. I came in and found you kissing the woman of my dreams.
  74. Oh, yeah. Good memory.
  75. ‘So there we were.’ Jesse had walked in to find me kissing the woman of his dreams.
  76. Oh, good. You’re home.
  77. What the hell’s going on here?
  78. Well, Jesse, actually, it’s-it’s very simple.
  79. Um, Corinna was choking on some bad cheese so I initiated a Heimlich maneuver.
  80. And when that didn’t work I tried to suck out the cheese..
  81. …using the hoover maneuver.
  82. So you weren’t kissing? You were searching for cheese?
  83. You look upset.
  84. Oh, why would I be upset?
  85. You saving the life of someone who’s very special to me.
  86. – Jesse– – Oh, Corinna, please.
  87. Now, I’m not really in the mood to give a guitar lesson tonight.
  88. Besides, you’re probably still reeling from that near death by cheese.
  89. Why don’t you go home and practice?
  90. Jesse, wait a minute.
  91. There’s something I have to say.
  92. Corinna really wasn’t choking on any bad cheese.
  93. No!
  94. We were kissing.
  95. No!
  96. Corinna, Joey and I should probably, uh.. have a word together alone.
  97. Look, I’m-I’m really sorry if there’s any misunderstanding. I didn’t mean to cause any trouble.
  98. Oh, there won’t be any trouble. Jesse and I are very close friends.
  99. We’ll have a heart to heart and work this thing out
  100. in a very calm, rational, adult manner.
  101. Freeze!
  102. I have a baby and I know how to use it.
  103. – Joey– – I’m warning you, she’s loaded.
  104. Put the baby down.
  105. Not a chance.
  106. Okay, fine. I’ll wait. You’ve got to put the kid down sometime.
  107. Two or three days, that diaper’s gonna weigh five to six hundred pounds.
  108. Jesse, I’m really sorry. I should have stopped everything cold before anything happened.
  109. I should have talked to you.
  110. – Really? – Yeah, you-you were right.
  111. I-I felt this instant magic and I fell in love with her.
  112. You fell in love with her? You can’t fall in love with her, man. I fell in love with her first!
  113. I’m sorry, but she likes me more.
  114. How can she like you more than she likes me?
  115. Boys, stop this. Michelle has enough love for all of us.
  116. Don’t make her choose. Now, both of you, give her a kiss.
  117. Go ahead. Give her a kiss.
  118. So now a second woman had come between us.
  119. I wanted to talk things out but Jesse said he couldn’t stand to look at me.
  120. Apparently, a Louisville slugger puts him in the mood for a conversation.
  121. I told you I heard a noise. I wasn’t gonna bat you.
  122. Alright, girls, it’s time to go to sleep.
  123. Your Uncle Jesse and Joey have told you a wonderful bedtime story.
  124. I’m sure you’ll have visions of jealous little sugarplums dancing in your heads.
  125. Wait a minute. How does the story end?
  126. Well, Joey’s guilt drives him totally insane.
  127. But no one knows the difference.
  128. I don’t think so. Wake us up and tell us who gets the girl.
  129. There’s a whole different world that starts the second we go to sleep.
  130. Guys, come here.
  131. What do you want now?
  132. Before you guys duel to the death let’s have one more conversation to work this out.
  133. Not with this scum.
  134. Okay, then, just talk to me.
  135. Let me ask you boys a question or two about your beloved Corinna.
  136. What are the things she cares about most in the world?
  137. What does she look for in a relationship with a man?
  138. Let’s try this one. What color are her eyes?
  139. – Hazel. – Green.
  140. Green-hazel, hazel-green.
  141. They have white around the edge, I think.
  142. Anybody know her last name?
  143. – Spicer. – Spicer.
  144. Pat Sajak knows more about his contestants.
  145. You know, I don’t think.. …you fell in love with Corinna. That takes time.
  146. I think maybe you fell in love with being in love.
  147. Am I right, Jesse?
  148. I do seem to fall in love a lot.
  149. But it’s just because I’m always hoping that this is the one.
  150. I just want to meet one nice, special girl I can spend my life with.
  1. 修理工になればよかった
  2. 僕が“オズの魔法使”を やるよ
  3. 何とかしてよ 怒り爆発しちゃうよ
  4. では“オズの魔法使”を 上演します
  5. では“オズの魔法使”を 上演します 始まるよ
  6. ドロシー ドロシー
  7. エムおばさん
  8. 竜巻だ 竜巻だ 竜巻だ
  9. 怖いわ
  10. ライオンにトラさんに クマさんも居る
  11. 一緒に
  12. ライオンにトラさんに クマさんも居る
  13. ライオンにトラさんに クマさん
  14. かかってこい
  15. もし俺が   森の王様だったなら
  16. 私は偉大な オズの魔法使いである
  17. 溶ける どんどん溶けて 気分はもう―
  18. 溶ける どんどん溶けて 気分はもう― バター
  19. カンザスに帰るには かかとを3回鳴らして―
  20. こう唱えるの “やっぱり家が一番”
  21. やっぱり家が一番
  22. 歯の治療は終わったよ
  23. どうだった?
  24. 直して
  25. 最高だったわ
  26. 見事だったけど―
  27. あしたビデオで見よう
  28. もうテレビはあきらめて 寝ちゃおう
  29. 5、6時間 失礼
  30. おやすみ
  31. かわいいわね
  32. 子供史上 最高の子たちだ
  33. 子供って素直で好き だから教師になったの
  34. だから子供でいるの
  35. あなたは立派な大人だわ
  36. あんな小道具 持ってるやつが?
  37. おもしろい人ね
  38. ユーモアのある男性って 魅力的だわ
  39. 恋人は幸運ね
  40. 居ないよ
  41. デートは? 水曜に 歯医者さんと会うけど
  42. 水曜に 歯医者さんと会うけど
  43. うまくいかなかったら―
  44. 私と出かけない?
  45. 彼には奥さんが居るしね
  46. いつにする?
  47. レッスンの後は?
  48. レッスン? コリーナ! ジェシーの…
  49. コリーナ! ジェシーの…
  50. そうだ キッチンに 用があるんだった
  51. 手伝う? 大丈夫
  52. 何か捜してるの?
  53. 道具が脱走してないかと
  54. 塩にコショウにアヒル
  55. オーブン 流し 蛇口
  56. ジェシーの恋人
  57. 全部あるな
  58. ジェシーは君に夢中だ
  59. 彼はすてきだし 一緒に居ると楽しいけど―
  60. 特別な感情はないわ
  61. ジェシーは違う
  62. 友達の恋人を奪うのは タブーだ
  63. 恋人じゃないわ
  64. キスはしたけど 単なるあいさつよ
  65. こんな感じ
  66. 確かに何でもないね
  67. 家族にするのと同じ
  68. 仲のいい家族だ
  69. 唇の握手よ
  70. もう一回
  71. おかえり
  72. どこだっけ?
  73. 俺がキスを 目撃したところだ
  74. よく覚えてるね
  75. 僕はジェシーの あこがれの人とキスしてた
  76. おかえり
  77. 今のは?
  78. 何でもないんだ
  79. のどにチーズが詰まって ハイムリック法を試したけど
  80. うまくいかなくて 別の方法に変えたんだ
  81. バキューム法に
  82. チーズを 吸い出してたのか?
  83. 怒ってる?
  84. なんで怒るんだ
  85. 大事な人の命を 助けてくれた
  86. 悪いけど―
  87. レッスンって気分じゃない
  88. 君もチーズで 死にかけたんだし
  89. 今日は家で自習だ
  90. 待って
  91. 違うんだ
  92. チーズは詰まらせてない
  93. ウソ!
  94. キスしてた
  95. ウソ!
  96. ジョーイと二人で 話したい
  97. 何か誤解があったなら ごめんなさい
  98. 大丈夫 ジェシーとは 親友同士だし―
  99. 大丈夫 ジェシーとは 親友同士だし― 大人らしく 穏やかに解決するよ
  100. 大人らしく 穏やかに解決するよ
  101. 動くな
  102. 後悔するぞ
  103. フル装弾だぞ
  104. 下ろせ
  105. ダメだ
  106. 2日も待てば 嫌でも下ろすさ
  107. オムツは 200~300キロになる
  108. こんなことになる前に 自分を抑えればよかった
  109. 悪かったよ
  110. そうか 君の言うとおり 魔法にかかったみたいだ
  111. 君の言うとおり 魔法にかかったみたいだ
  112. 最初に好きになったのは 俺だぞ
  113. でも僕を好きだって
  114. なんでだよ
  115. ケンカするな ミシェルは 二人とも好きだよ
  116. 取り合いは いけない キスして
  117. 早く
  118. 三角関係のもつれだ
  119. ジェシーは 話も聞いてくれないし
  120. バットで 寝込みを襲ってきた
  121. 物音がしたんだよ
  122. もう寝なさい
  123. 感動の物語は これで終わりだ
  124. 三角関係とか いろいろ勉強になったね
  125. 最後はどうなるの?
  126. ジョーイが罪の意識で―
  127. 今より変になる
  128. 違うと思うな どっちがコリーナを取るの?
  129. どっちもダメかも もう寝よう
  130. 二人とも
  131. 何だよ
  132. 殺し合いになる前に 話し合えよ
  133. このタコと?
  134. じゃ僕に話せ
  135. コリーナについて 二人に質問だ
  136. 彼女の好きな物は?
  137. 理想のつきあい方は?
  138. じゃ目の色は?
  139. 薄茶色 緑色
  140. その間だ
  141. 周りは白
  142. 名字は?
  143. スパイサー
  144. クイズの司会者の気分だ
  145. 君たちはコリーナに 恋してるんじゃない
  146. 恋に恋してるんだ
  147. 違うか?
  148. 本気のつもりだけど―
  149. そう思いたいだけかもな
  150. 特別な人に出会いたくて

  1. Aw, Jesse.
  2. Everybody wants that. But you don’t have to try so hard.
  3. When the right woman comes along.. …you really will know it.
  4. I could have sworn Corinna was it.
  5. [sighs] Maybe I did go a little overboard.
  6. I guess I was just shocked that she liked me as much as I liked her.
  7. Why are you shocked? Have a little faith in yourself. You’re a good guy.
  8. As much as I hate to admit it.. …it seems like Corinna likes you more than she likes me.
  9. God, I hate to admit it.
  10. Alright, you’re not scum.
  11. I know that comes from your heart, Jess.
  12. That was almost semi-touching.
  13. You hear that noise? I told you someone’s out here.
  14. – Hi. – Corinna? What are you doing here? Come in.
  15. I-I really felt terrible about tonight and I came back to apologize.
  16. ‘But then I heard shouting, so I decided to go home.’ Then I felt even worse, so I decided to come back.
  17. Look…you both are great guys and I would hate to do anything to mess up your friendship.
  18. I’m really sorry.
  19. Okay, now I’m going to go home again. Goodbye.
  20. Hold on a second.
  21. I may have met you first but I…think we all know who belongs together here.
  22. Why don’t you take some time and.. …get to know Joey. He’s a good guy.
  23. He’s got pajama problems, but..
  24. I love this guy.
  25. Hug her, not me. – Sorry. – Big dummy.
  26. Come on, Jesse, let’s leave these two alone.
  27. By the way.. …what were you really gonna do with the bat?
  28. I was gonna kill him.
  29. That’s what I would have done.
  30. – Goodnight. – Goodnight.
  1. 分かるよ
  2. みんなそうだ でも焦ることはない
  3. その時が来れば 自然と分かる
  4. 僕も同じだよ
  5. 舞い上がってたんだ
  6. 好きだなんて 言われたから
  7. なんで舞い上がるんだ 自信を持てよ
  8. 認めたくないけど 彼女はお前を好きなんだ
  9. 頭にくるな
  10. “タコ”は取り消す
  11. 本気じゃないと思った
  12. 感動的だな
  13. やっぱり誰か居る
  14. コリーナ 何してる
  15. 今夜のことを もう一度 謝ろうと思って
  16. でも声がしたから 帰ろうか迷ってたの
  17. 友達同士でケンカなんて させる気じゃなかった
  18. ごめんなさい
  19. 今度こそ帰るわね
  20. 待てよ
  21. 先に会ったのは俺だけど それは関係ない
  22. ジョーイはいいヤツだよ
  23. 服はダサいけど
  24. 大好きだ
  25. 相手が違うだろ
  26. 僕たちは行こう
  27. バットで何する気だった?
  28. 殺す気だった
  29. 分かるよ
  30. おやすみ おやすみ


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